Wastewater Treatment Facility

February, 2021 - Despite the recent cold weather, the new $14,900,000 wastewater treatment facility is on schedule for start-up at the end of June 2021 and is within the expected budget.
In November of 2020, the City received a new operating permit from the SD DENR. This permit allows the City to operate within federal and state regulations. Upon completion, the City can continue to move forward knowing there is plenty of capacity and growth for new developments and the ability to meet the more strict federal regulations that are expected. Construction is scheduled for completion in mid-2021. The facility will operate for one year under the guidance of the CMR prior to the City taking over operations. During this time, the facility will undergo numerous tests and operations staff will receive training. This is the first MBR facility in the state. Several other communities are now preparing to construct similar facilities.  Membrane bioreactor (MBR) is the combination of a membrane process like microfiltration or ultrafiltration with a biological wastewater treatment process. It is commonly used for municipal and industrial wastewater treatment. 

December 16, 2019 - Over the past 12-months, City staff along with AE2S (Owners Engineer) and PKG (CMAR) have been working on the design of the new facility.  100% plans were delivered to the SDDENR in August of 2019 and were approved.  Competitive bids were received and a guaranteed maximum price (GMP) was derived.  On December 16, 2019, Sturgis City Council accepted PKG/Scull Construction's GMP for construction of the Sturgis Water Resource Recovery Facility in the amount of $14,900,000 to provide all necessary labor, materials, and equipment to construct the Sturgis WWTF Improvements project.  At the same meeting, the City Manager was authorized to sign all contracts and documents necessary to complete the construction of this project, contingent on the SD Department of Environment and Natural Resource concurrence.   Construction is expected to begin early in 2020.

December 17, 2018 - The City Council approved the selection of PKG/Scull Construction as the Construction Manager at Risk (CMAR) for the design phase of the project.
The CMAR is a commitment by the Construction Manager to deliver the project with a Guaranteed Maximum Price. 

May 15, 2017, the Director of Public Works gave a presentation to the City Council and Public regarding a proposed new wastewater facility.  View the Presentation

Current Facilities 

The current wastewater treatment facilities were constructed in 1963 and upgraded in 1995 after the City received a Notice of Violation and Compliance Order from the SD Department of Environment and Natural Resources (SDDENR).  The DENR regulates all surface water and wastewater operations within the state.  We are also subject to EPA and other state and federal regulators.

  • The current system is made up of three ponds consisting of Cell #1 (15.4 acres) which is 5' deep and provides aeration and removes 80% of the biochemical oxygen demand (BOD).
  • Cell #2 (39.6 acres) is 9' deep.
  • Cell #3 (26.6 acres).  At this point, waste is either suitable for discharge or irrigation (April 15 - October 15).

All cells are located on city-owned property north of the Sturgis Brown High School.

In 2000 the City purchased the Sundstrom property and constructed a new pumping station, transfer line, and Cell #4.   Cell #4 added 30 more acres of storage as well as 300 acres for irrigation.  This expansion was expected to handle additional needs for 20 years.

DENR Permit 

The City's most recent permit expired in March 2012.  We are in negotiations with DENR for a new permit, however, with current regulations, we will not be able to meet state requirements and upgrades will be needed.

Currently, we are only allowed to irrigate, we are not able to discharge into Bear Butte Creek.

In 2014 and 2015 we had to conduct Emergency Discharges because we were at capacity.  

Current Status 

  • At this time, we are not prepared for additional growth.
  • We are not meeting current regulations.
  • We have an aging infrastructure that has met its life expectancy.

Population Growth 
If the population continues to grow at just 1% over the next 20 years, we will be at 7,000.  We are not prepared to handle this much use.  We want to be proactive and not wait for a major failure before we make the necessary improvements.

Regulations continue to be more strict and technology is available to keep up with these regulations.

Sewer vs Infiltration 

The wastewater treatment facility handles not only sewer waste, but also infiltration for numerous areas such as stormwater, drains, infiltration from damaged pipes, sump pumps, and infiltration from broken pipes.  This is why our slip line program is important.

As a rule, the wastewater gallons should be less than what is produced from our wells.  Ours is 2x that amount.  Per capita, we should each be producing approximately 100 gallons of wastewater per day, in Sturgis we each produce 140 gallons on average.

More Stringent Regulations in the Near Future 

Our neighboring states have much more stringent regulations that will be phased in for South Dakota as well.

If we do nothing to make improvements: 

  • No capacity for new development
  • No control over irrigation disposal
  • Increased Emergency Discharges
  • Permit Violations - Fines $$$
  • Cell #1 filling up with solids (need to be cleaned and solids removed every 5 years)

Main Sewer Pipe from City to the Treatment Facility 

Problems with the main pipe: 

  • Under Capacity
  • Was constructed as an emergency installation
  • Poorly graded
  • Buried too shallow

This will also need to be addressed and corrected.

Options Moving Forward 

Working with AE2S three solutions were identified.

  • SAGR
  • Membrane Bioreactor (MBR)
  • Activated Sludge system

Moving forward, the recommendation of a new MBR system is the best overall fit for the City. This type of system is expandable, the most efficient, it has the ability to meet future regulations and has a smaller footprint size.

Funding this Project 

This project is estimated to cost $16,647,000 (includes slip lining, new mainline, Cell #1 solids removal, MBR) 

State Revolving Loan Fund Package 
Clean Water SRF Loan (2.5% for 30 years)  $16,247,000
Principal Forgiveness (max 9.9%)  -$1,600,000
Consolidated Grant -$400,000

Loan Balance $14,247,000 for entire package. 

Project Schedule 

Project Development & FundingJan - May 2017  (approval for SRF Loan has been secured)
Preliminary DesignJune - September 2017
Final DesignOctober 2017 - June 2018
BiddingJuly - October 2019

The Infrastructure Committee and City Council have been supportive of this project.