Storm Sewer & Culverts

Grading of areas can change the drainage flows.  People should be aware of the requirements and how their changes affect others.

Stormwater and Grading Design Requirements are linked here.

Stormwater Best Management Practice Manual is linked here.

Pipe Requirements 

Placing or replacing driveway or storm sewer pipe requires a city permit.

Driveway pipes must be a minimum of 18 inches, or require approval of city.

Driveway pipes must be corrugated metal pipe (CMP) or reinforced concrete pipe (RCP) or require city approval.

Storm sewers systems must be constructed of RCP pipe, with a minimum size of 18 inches.

 Connecting or Discharging into Storm Sewer 

Connecting and discharging into the City Storm Sewer System is covered in 11.05 of  Title 11. 

Discharge of grey water by temporary vendors is covered in 11.07.03 of  Title 11

Please be aware that activities that affect surface water are also covered under the  DANR  and the EPA clean water act and may require permits.

The watersheds for Sturgis are approximate, but are shown in this map.