Snow Routes
In December of 2010, the City Council approved an amendment to the existing Snow Removal Ordinance (15.03.08) that makes special provisions for a Snow Route designation. Under this amendment, people living on a Snow Route must remove their vehicles from the street to allow for curb to curb cleaning by the Public Works Department. Failure to remove vehicles will result in a ticket and immediate tow of the vehicle by the Police Department. The ordinance takes effect whenever the National Weather Service forecasts snow accumulations of 4" or more. Once the snow has been completely removed by the City, you may resume parking on the street. If you are not sure if you live on a designated Snow Route, please check the Snow Route Map below or contact the Public Works office at 605-347-3916.
Snow Route Map
The following are designated Snow Route Streets:
Snow Removal Overview
The success of our snow removal program depends on your assistance.
Here are a few tips:
View the 2014 Snow and Ice Removal Plan
If there is room for the plow to unload prior to reaching your driveway, the windrow across your driveway will be much smaller. Unfortunately, there is no way to avoid windrows when plowing.
The snow removal effort is often hindered by vehicles parked on the street. If possible, please move your vehicles off the street whenever there is a storm prediction.
When we begin the snow removal process, the first thing we will do is get the streets open to traffic. After that is finished, the blades will come back and clean out the areas from curb to curb and clean up the windrows, etc. Two blades will then be dispatched to the main collector's routes. At the same time, one blade and one plow will be dispatched to the residential sections of the City to start the removal of snow.
It is the goal of the Sturgis Public Works Department to provide the safest driving surfaces possible, using the resources that we have available. In the event of a major winter storm, private contractors may be hired by the City to assist with snow removal. Private contractors are required to meet minimum specifications and are selected through a pre-screening application process. Contractors working specifically for the City will have their equipment clearly marked for identification purposes.
If you have an emergency situation and are not able to get through on your street, call 911. If you would like to get updated information on the snow removal progress, call the Public Works Department at 347-3916.
When streets become hazardous for drivers due to ice, Public Works will sand or use mag water in the collector routes, at the traffic light intersections, and railroad crossings in the City limits.
Collector Routes
Map of Collector Routes
If you need assistance with shoveling snow visit the Snow Shoveling Resource List for names of people who are available for hire.