Public Works Department

Rick Bush
Director of Public Works


1057 Dudley Street (Shop)
1040 Harley-Davidson Way (Mail)
Sturgis, SD 57785

Ph: (605) 347-3916
Fx: (605) 347-3516
Rubble Site:  347-5605

After Hours Emergency: call 911

Monday - Thursday
6:00 am - 3:00 pm
Friday 6:00 am - 10:00 am
Rubble Site Hours: 
Monday - Saturday
8:00 am - 4:45 pm

Please visit the Sturgis, SD Public Works Department on Facebook

Our Mission 
Our mission is to support and provide a high quality of life for the City's residents, businesses and visitors by providing responsive, reliable, and fiscally responsible services. The department is committed to the planning and implementation of the policies, goals, and objectives as established by the City Commission and City Manager.  We are committed to identifying the problems and needs within our community to help provide well-planned, cost-effective infrastructure and services to promote public health, personal safety, transportation, and economic growth.
The Public Works Department has 34 full-time employees that are responsible for all street maintenance and repairs, snow removal, stormwater, street cleaning, municipal water, city property maintenance, street lighting, wastewater treatment, city parks, Bear Butte Cemetery, and special event preparations.

Streets & Buildings 
Snow Removal
Street Sweeping
Street Lighting
Traffic Control Devices
City Building & Equipment Maintenance

Residential & Commercial Garbage Service 
Restricted Use Rubble Site 
Recycling Program 
Curbside Pick-Up Service

Wastewater Treatment
Storm Water Drainage

Storm Water Pollution Prevention
Sewer Line Maintenance

Parks & Cemetery 
Park Shelters 
Sports Fields
Sturgis Fairgrounds
Historical Monuments & Memorial Sites

Utility Billing 
Water System Maintenance

Water Regulations

Special Events 
City-Wide Clean Up 
Temporary Traffic Control for Special Events
Engineering and Contract Administration for Capital Improvements

Maintains and repairs city’s vehicle and equipment fleet
