Sturgis City Council to meet Monday

STURGIS - The Sturgis City Council will again discuss a temporary resolution addressing transition from a city government with a city manager to a city government without a city manager when it meets Monday, June 3.

The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. in the council chambers at Sturgis City Hall, 1040 Harley-Davidson Way. Those who plan to attend the meeting should use the Sherman Street entrance.

The resolution was the subject of extensive conversation during a special city council meeting on May 30.

Council members shared that in some instances substituting the term “City Manager” with the term “Mayor” in City ordinances, policies and resolutions raises significant policy questions for the City Council.

Some newly elected members of the City Council shared that they believe they must participate in allocating the administrative and executive functions of City government between the mayor and a city administrator.

The exact wording of the resolution will be determined by the council at its meeting on Monday.

In other matters, Finance Officer Adam Hosch will share sales tax numbers for March during the meeting Monday.

Figures show that the general 2% sales tax sales in the month of March 2024 were 6.75% lower than March of 2023. Sales for the first three months of 2024 were 6.3% lower than the same time period in 2023.

For the month of March 2024, Tourism BBB Sales Tax related sales were 13.35% lower than March of 2023. Sales for the first three months of 2024 were 5.078% lower than the same time period in 2023. Typically, the city must wait until June or July collections before a sufficient yearly trend for tourism-related sales can be seen.

Also at the meeting Monday, the council, sitting as a board of adjustment, will consider an appeal of an administrative violation.

On March 21, city staff were videoing the sanitary sewer line in front of the Sturgis Meat Service. They observed and recorded blood draining into the sanitary sewer in violation of SMC 11.05.23. An Administrative Violation was issued on March 21, 2024, from the office of Code Enforcement within the City's Department of Planning & Permitting. The owner of Sturgis Meats LLC has appealed the administrative violation.

Cindy Tolle, Owner Sturgis Meats LLC, has made an appeal of the violation. After evidence is heard in the matter, the council will enter into executive session to discuss a verdict in the case.

A violation of that ordinance may result in an administrative citation or a criminal prosecution for a Class 2 misdemeanor. Class 2 misdemeanors are punishable by a fine of up to $500, 30 days in the Meade County Jail, or a combination of fine and jail time.

The council, also while sitting as a board of adjustment, will consider a Use on Review to allow residential quarters at 3570 Hansen Avenue.

In other action, the council will consider a resolution that would allow open container for 2024 Motorcycle Rally, and second reading of an ordinance that would allow for a special election in the event that the mayor or a council member resigns.

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