Sturgis City Council to discuss variety of topics at meeting Monday

STURGIS – The Sturgis City Council will discuss adopting an ordinance that would allow for a special election to fill a council or mayor vacancy as well as consider two resolutions at its meeting Monday, April 1.

The meeting begins at 6:30 p.m. in the council chambers at Sturgis City Hall, 1040 Harley-Davidson Way. Those planning to attend should use the Sherman Street entrance. 

The resignation of Mark Carstensen on Feb. 13 highlighted the two different procedures for filling the vacancy of mayor. Under statute, the two procedures are either for the City Council to appoint the new mayor to fill the position until the next annual municipal election, or if the city has an ordinance in place, to fill the vacancy by special election. 

The ordinance authorizing the special election must be in place prior to the vacancy for the special election to occur. At the time of the recent mayoral vacancy, no ordinance allowing the special election was in place, therefore appointment by the City Council was the only option available. The council voted 5-3 to appoint Angela Wilkerson as mayor to fill out the remainder of Carstensen’s term. 

The purpose of Ordinance 2024-03 is to authorize the city to hold a special election to fill future vacant City Council or mayoral positions.

The ordinance grants authority for the City to hold an election to fill Council or mayoral vacancies rather than using the appointment process. This enables the citizens rather than the City Council to fill the position. In recent Council meetings there has been strong citizen support for holding a special election to fill the recent mayoral vacancy. While the City Council only had statutory authority to utilize the appointment process to fill the vacancy, passing this ordinance allows future vacancies to be filled by special election.

Much of the proposed ordinance mirrors procedures in state statute, Sturgis Staff Attorney Eric Miller said in his report to the council. The goal of including this specific language is to better inform the citizens of the procedures to set and hold the special election.

Also at the meeting Monday, the council will consider approving a resolution reaffirming city contracts and temporarily revising city ordinance and policy.

Sturgis City Attorney Mark Marshall said the city needs to consider the potential transition of responsibilities in city government if the referendum to eliminate the position of city manager passes. 

Marshall said it would involve a shift in responsibilities from the city manager to the mayor, ensuring the city continues to function effectively during this transition. He said this move shows the city has foresight and will be prepared whatever the outcome of the April 9 vote. 

Marshall said the term "city manager" appears 181 times in city ordinances, and 157 times in the city’s policy and procedures manual. If the position is eliminated, there will be a gap because many responsibilities are currently assigned to the city manager.

Marshall proposes to temporarily assign the city manager's responsibilities to the mayor, who will act as the city's chief executive officer. And, for the council to reaffirm all contracts signed by the city manager. 

Marshall described the plan as a stop-gap measure, meaning it’s a temporary solution to provide for a smooth and seamless transition from a City Government with a City Manager to City Government without a City Manager.

Here is a link to the agenda.

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