STURGIS – Last week’s winter weather postponed the Sturgis Planning Commission meeting to this Tuesday, April 11.
The meeting starts at 5:30 p.m. in the council chambers at Sturgis City Hall, 1040 Harley-Davidson Way, Sturgis.
Among the agenda items are variances to setback for Alex Usera for an addition at 316 Main St., and zoning variances at 1412 Junction Avenue for Jason Thomas, Freakshow Customs Ltd.
Usera has requested a three-foot variance to the five-foot side set back and a 16-inch overhang variance to the 10-foot front yard setback for property located at 316 Main Street. The property is zoned Medium-Density Residential Housing. The applicant intends to build an addition to the existing building for a garage.
The type of construction and setbacks requested require variance approval. Medium-Density Residential zoning setbacks require a five-foot side setback and a 10-foot front yard setback. The existing building is exactly five feet from the side property line. Staff anticipates no negative impact for the neighboring property owners with two neighboring properties having the same layout for garages. A total of 12 landowner forms went out.
The Planning Commission also will consider zoning variances at 1412 Junction Ave. (the former Jacob’s Auto business) for Jason Thomas, Freakshow Customs Ltd. Freakshow Customs is an auto restoration business. They restore older, vintage, and classic vehicles and make them available for purchase when completed.
Currently, the property is zoned Single Family Residential/Office Commercial. Under city ordinance, automobile sales are only allowed in Highway-Service zoning.
Since selling vehicles would be for profit, the state requires Freakshow Customs to obtain an automobile dealer’s license. The State of South Dakota dictates that any automobile dealer must have a physical location from which to conduct business. In order to obtain an automobile dealers license, the state also requires a letter from the local municipality stating that the property location is zoned for such a business. Thomas is requesting a variance from the city to allow his business, Freakshow Customs, to meet the requirements to obtain an automobile dealers license at this location.