Sturgis City Council to discuss revisions to Title 7

STURGIS – The Sturgis City Council has scheduled discussion on revisions to city ordinance Title 7 at its meeting Monday, March 6.

The meeting starts at 6:30 p.m. Monday and is held in the council chambers at Sturgis City Hall, 1040 Harley-Davidson Way, Sturgis.

Title 7 defines how city government operates.

The City Manager/Title 7 Subcommittee has been meeting for the past year to consider changes. The subcommittee is made up of one councilor from each ward in the city of Sturgis and was formed following some citizen concerns on the amount of power granted the city manager.

The subcommittee concluded that under state law and city ordinance the city council retains broad authority to define the duties and responsibilities of the city manager. It further concluded that revising those duties and responsibilities was within the council’s prerogative.

The sub-committee directed Sturgis City Attorney Mark Marshall to draft proposed revisions to Title 7 of the city ordinances and the city’s Policy and Procedures Manual. Those revisions will be discussed at the council meeting Monday.

Mayor Mark Carstensen said the city wants to better clarify the roles and responsibilities of elected officials and city staff specifically when it comes to appointments to committees and boards.

“We believe that these revisions will thoroughly explain who has the authority to direct appointments,” Carstensen said.

In Resolution 2023-20, a resolution authorizing the recruitment of an executive officer which was passed by the Sturgis City Council at its meeting Feb. 21, the city council asked the city attorney to revise municipal ordinance and policy procedures to provide that the mayor, not the city manager, appoint members of outside boards, commissions, and city council committees with the advice and consent of the members of the Sturgis City Council. 

One example of this existed with the appointment of the Park Board.  The Park Board was appointed by and reported to the city manager. Under the revisions, the mayor, with the advice and consent of the Sturgis City Council appoints the members of the Park Board, and the Park Board Reports to the council. 

Marshall is recommending to the council that as a matter of convenience, the entire current ordinance or policy be repealed, and the proposed ordinance or policy be adopted in its stead.

Per the council’s procedure on changes to city ordinance, there will first be discussion (held today), then a first reading and second reading before the changes to the ordinance take effect. 

Other items on the Monday, March 6, agenda include:

  • Consideration to approve a Use on Review for office space for Love INC of the Black Hills at 1242 Sherman Street, Sturgis. 
  • Consideration to approve a zoning variance for a Coffee Kiosk at 12998 SD Hwy 34 (Kick Start Travel Center)

You can find the full agenda here:

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