City attorney provides report on the office of city manager

At its meeting on Jan. 18, 2022, the Sturgis City Council unanimously approved a resolution in support of the office of city manager. The resolution also included a stipulation that a sub-committee of the council be formed to review the office of city manager. The sub-committee would be made up of one councilor from each ward appointed by action of the Sturgis City Council. Members of that committee include Mike Bachand, Mark Carstensen, Aaron Jordan, and Dean Sigman, who was chosen as chairperson.

The powers and duties of the city manager are limited by state statute, city ordinance, and the city manager's employment agreement. Accordingly, the city manager cannot simply run amok, but acts as directed by the Sturgis City Council, said Sturgis City Attorney Mark Marshall. The subcommittee concluded that under state law and city ordinance the city council retains broad authority to define the duties and responsibilities of the city manager, and further concluded that revising those duties and responsibilities was within the council’s prerogative. The subcommittee directed the city attorney to draft proposed revisions to Title 7 of the city ordinances and the city’s Policy and Procedures Manual. Title 7 defines city government. 

The Sturgis City Council discussed the report at its meeting Monday, Dec. 19.

You can find the city attorney's report here.

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