The Main Street Reconstruction Project was a joint project between the City of Sturgis and the SD Department of Transportation. The project included the total reconstruction of Main Street between Middle Street and 4th Street. Improvements included drainage improvements, pavement removal, and replacement, sidewalk removal and replacement, new street lighting, water main replacement, and streetscaping.
Estimated Total Project Cost $3,417,578.
In the fall of 2013, the project was fully programmed into the STIP and showed a construction start date of 2016. In the spring of 2014, the SD DOT began negotiations with FourFront Design, Inc. for the engineering and design of the project. The City entered into an agreement with the DOT to allow FourFront Design, Inc. to complete the plans for the project.
The project was constructed in two phases with the first taking place on Main Street from Junction to Middle Street starting in May of 2016. Phase II included the remainder of the street from Junction to 4th Street. Phase II began in the fall of 2016 and finished in the spring of 2017.
The Project is one of many downtown improvements that came about from efforts of Future Sturgis, the Sturgis Comprehensive Plan and many other committee recommendations over the past few years.
On October 6, 2014, Public Works Director Rick Bush gave a presentation to the City Council and the public. The presentation contained information about financing, design, and scheduling.
View the
Project Presentation
by the Public Works Director.