Sturgis Motorcycle Rally


Lost and Found 
Any person losing any property or wanting to turn in found property are encouraged to go to the Rally Headquarters/Information Booth located in the Sturgis Armory at 1019 Main Street. You may also contact the Sturgis Police Department after the event at (605) 347-5070.

During your stay in Sturgis, be very careful where you park, especially with such limited parking. Any vehicle parked next to a yellow curb, a red curb, or anywhere where no parking is posted will be towed and ticketed.
There is no parking on Main Street and its side streets between 2:00 am and 6:00 am. This enables the street crew to clean the streets each night.

Don't Be a Victim 
Expensive, custom, or show bikes are popular with thieves. So are jackets and other accessories left unsecured on bikes.  Lock it up or take it with you!

Some efforts can be taken to lower the risk of theft:

  • Be aware of where you park. Avoid dark, poorly-lit areas. Pay attention to people standing around who seem to take particular interest in your bike.
  • Do no leave leathers, cameras, souvenirs, etc. on your bike.
  • Lock your motorcycle. Factory ignition switch locks are easily overcome by thieves. High-quality disc locks, wheel locks, and heavy cable or chain locks are recommended, in addition to factory-installed devices. Inexpensive locks are generally of poorer quality and are easily broken or cut.

Determined thieves can steal any motorcycle, but common sense and taking these extra precautions will reduce your chances of being a victim.  If you are a victim of theft, contact the Sturgis Police Department immediately by calling 911.
