Departments   /   Finance   /   Cemetery

 Location & Details 
The Bear Butte Cemetery is located off the east end of Main Street. It rests on top of a beautiful pine-covered hillside.

The 24-acre cemetery became a City cemetery on June 1, 1953. There is a covered shelter just inside the cemetery entrance containing a Cemetery Directory to assist with locating burial sites.

More Information 
For more information or to request help finding or purchasing a gravesite, please call the Sturgis City Finance Office at (605) 347-4422.

Title 06 Cemetery  (City Ordinance)

Cemetery Information Brochure

**We ask that  Memorial Day decorations not be delivered any earlier than the Friday prior to Memorial Day and be removed within 10 days following Memorial Day.

Cemetery Map and Burial (location) Report
View  Cemetery Map 
View the Burial Report with names, dates, and grave locations.

Monument Setting Policy

Monument Design Authorization Form

Monument Setting Permit Request Form