What Is a Business Improvement District?
A Business Improvement District (BID) is created for the purpose of forming collective contribution funding for a portion or all of the future proposed public events, public activities, and promotion of the district as allowed by SDCL Ch. 9-55 to encourage economic development within the district.
In 2013, the Sturgis City Council approved the formation of a downtown Business Improvement District (BID) in Sturgis. BIDs are common in downtown areas as a way of stimulating economic activities. Rapid City formed a BID to secure funding for the Main Street Square plaza and the City of Spearfish has made many improvements in their downtown area as a result of the formation of BID Districts.
The Sturgis BID allows for a special assessment on all commercial properties located within the designated district. Fees are calculated at $2.00 per linear foot of frontage that each parcel occupies along designated streets within the district. The maximum assessment is capped at $600 per parcel.
Funds collected through the BID process will be used to promote public activities, beautification efforts and promotion of the area within the district. The funds are managed by a voluntary BID Board made up of five owners of property within the BID who have been appointed by the mayor with the advice and consent of the Sturgis Common Council. The BID Board is responsible for reviewing proposed activities and making recommendations to the City Council.
The BID District regulations are found in the City Ordinance titled Title 26 Downtown Business Improvement District.
BID District Boundaries
The BID assessment includes all taxable real property parcels in the downtown area located north of Sherman Street to and including properties fronting Lazelle. On the east, properties fronting Middle Street, and to the west, properties fronting 4th Street. BID Map
The BID includes all commercial properties within the designated Business Improvement District with the exception of the following:
The assessments recorded on the Assessment Roll for the Downtown Business Improvement District became due and payable at the Meade County Treasurer's Office effective January 1, 2014.
Business Improvement District Board serves 3-year terms
The following have been appointed members of the Business Improvement District: