Junction Avenue Corridor Study



On May 23, 2023, the City of Sturgis and SDDOT hosted an open house public meeting at the Sturgis Community Center. The information provided at this meeting is provided below, and the Sturgis community is invited to share its feedback on the potential improvements. Please complete the online comment form or submit written comment to Brittney Ragels by June 23, 2023.

Project Presentation 

Meeting Displays   Junction Ave Displays_May 2023.pdf 

Meeting Handout  Junction Ave May 2023 Handout SPREADS.pdf 

Comment Form  Junction Ave Comment Form_May 2023.pdf  (download, complete and please send to Brittney Ragels, 1040 Harley-Davidson Way, Sturgis 57785 or email bragels@sturgisgov.com) or complete online at surveymonkey.com/r/JunctionAve

Final Report  Junction Avenue Corridor Study - Final Study Report.pdf 


Scope of Work

The purpose of this study is to evaluate existing and anticipated future conditions of the corridor and determine potential near- and long-term improvements.


The planning project will:

  • Evaluate existing and potential configurations for each of the intersections
  • Evaluate the need for additional through and turning lanes
  • Develop a cost-benefit based access management plan along the corridor
  • Identify and prioritize potential improvements to support the next 30 years of growth and development
  • Outline scope, limits, and timing of potential projects constructable within shortened constructions seasons to minimize impacts to the annual motorcycle Rally


This study is not evaluating the I-90 Exit 32 interchange, however potential improvements may be identified regarding how the interchange interacts with Junction Avenue (i.e., turn lane modifications on the off ramps, type of intersection control).


Process Overview

Work on the corridor study began in August 2022, and the study is anticipated to take one year to complete.



A Study Advisory Team (SAT) comprised of representatives from SDDOT and the City of Sturgis has been formed to guide the development of the corridor study.

Public Involvement

Project area stakeholders and the public will be invited to provide input twice during the study.

 The first round of public involvement took place in December 2022. A project mailer was sent out through the Sturgis Information Publications newsletter, and the public comment period was open from November 30 to December 31.

Download the project mailer (fact sheet) here.  

 An open house public meeting will be hosted in May 2023. The meeting is tentatively scheduled from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. Tuesday, May 23 at the Sturgis Community Center. Stay tuned for more information.

Project Contacts

City of Sturgis

Brittney Ragels



SDDOT Project Manager

Steve Gramm



Consultant Project Manager

Mark Lutjeharms




This project is part of SDDOT’s annual State Planning & Research (SPR) program for local governments.